Here you can find various events and presentations by Jeanette Yoffe.
Jeanette Yoffe is frequently requested to speak in the media on many different topics related to Adoption and Foster Care. She speaks, as a former foster youth and adoptee expert, community leader, as well as educating and advocating to foster change in the child welfare system today.
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310-584-1504 | Or email info@yoffetherapy.com

Jeanette has over 18 years of experience speaking and training on topics of adoption, foster care, family preservation, reunification, open adoption, children’s mental health, child welfare, and trauma-informed care. She is passionate about empowering adoptees, foster youth, professionals and parents with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to change the paradigm, and bring a voice to the child’s experience! She is available for keynote speaking, training and consulting.
Visit her Jeanette-ically Speaking About Foster Care & Adoption YouTube channel HERE.
Jeanette frequently presents at national, state and local mental health, adoption, foster care and child welfare conferences including the Child Welfare League of America, the American Adoption Congress , the North American Council on Adoptable Children , Los Angeles Department of Mental Health, Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services, Pennylane, Vista Del Mar, and Five Acres.
In 2023 , Jeanette was honored with the California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition for lifelong advocacy to serving foster youth and the role of mental health.
In 2006, Jeanette was honored with a ‘Foster Care Hero Award from the County of Los Angeles for her work with children in Los Angeles County working as a foster care social worker with Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency.
Professional Licenses and Credentials:
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Marriage and Family Therapist License MFT 42758
CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Court-appointed Reunification Therapist & Expert Witness
Certified Supervisor for Marriage and Family Therapist Interns
Alpha-Stim, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Certification
Certificate in Object Relations Theory Psychoanalytic Center of CA
Kinship Center, Adoption Clinical Training-Children’s Bureau
Post-Traumatic Therapy for Children Certified
Attachment Theory Daniel Hughes Certification
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Certified
To connect with Jeanette, call 310.351.8113. or email jeanette@yoffetherapy.com
Areas of specialization include:
Child Development
Children’s Mental Health
Open Adoption
Family Reunification
Foster Care
Child Maltreatment
Systems of Care
Developmental Trauma Disorder
Family Attachment Therapy
Attachment-Based Parenting
Parenting the Child of Loss & Trauma
Relational Trauma
Lifelong Vulnerabilities for the Adoption Constellation
Parenting an Adopted Person
Grief and Loss
Trauma Informed Care
Teens & Tweens in Adoption
Search and Reunion
Transitional Aged Youth
Adoption Clinical Competence

Keynote Speaker Presentations:
Concerned Persons For Adoption. Supporting Needs and Strengthening Bonds in Adoption. 39th Let's Talk Adoption Conference. March 5, 2022.
National Association of Adoptees and Parents. Journey to the Primal Wound. September 9, 2021.
National Adoption Conference. Celia Center: Stronger Together. Presented November 14th, 2020.
Los Angeles Child Abuse Councils. The Heart of Resilience. April 26, 2018.
California Adoption Conference. Oakland, California. Exploring Feelings About Adoption.Presented March 19, 2016.
Adopt Salon Conference 2014. Celia Center: Facing Trauma With Truth. Presented November 7th, 2014.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California, Empower, Enrich and Enlighten Conference.Becoming Whole Parenting. Presented May 18, 2013.
Adopt Salon Conference 2012. Celia Center: A New Beginning. Presented November 8th, 2012.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Celebrating Families Conference. Presented May 16, 2009.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Parenting Your Adopted Child. Keynote Speaker. Presented May 2008.
Department of Children and Family Services. Los Angeles County. From Foster Care to Family: Keynote Speaker. May 2007.
Conference Presentations:
Five Acres. RespondAbility Parenting. November 6, 2024.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Attachment, Trauma, and Healing. Presented monthly October 2024 - March 2025.
Children's Bureau. Attachment, Trauma, and Healing in Child Welfare. October 23, 2024
Wayfinder Family Services. Therapeutic Interventions for Parents. June 18, 2024.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Attachment, Trauma, and Healing. Presented monthly December - June 2024.
Untangling Our Roots Conference. Impacts From The Loss of Genetic Mirroring. April 27, 2024.
Association of Educational Therapists. The Invisible Wounds in Adoption. November 3, 2023.
Wayfinder Family Services. How to Parent Your Adopted Child. October 27, 2023.
Right to Know. How to Cope with Paternal Biological Rejection. April 16, 2023.
Wayfinder Family Services. Therapeutic Interventions for Parents. April 13th, 2023.
Wayfinder Family Services. Attachment-Focused Parenting Training. February 9, 2023.
Association of Educational Therapists. Adoption Panel: Speaking About Adoption. January 27, 2023.
ATTACH Conference. 9 Keys for Success for Foster and Adopted Adolescents. September 29, 2022.
North American Council on Adoptable Children Conference. Managing Rejection for the Adoptee. July 19, 2022.
Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support Program. WISAPSP Spring Conference 2022. April 22, 2022.
10th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference. Open Adoption Open Foster Care. March 25, 2022.
Georgia Association of Licensed Adoption Agencies. Foster Care-Adoption Competence Toolkit For Mental Health Providers. March 10, 2022.
Concerned Persons For Adoption. 10 Parenting Skills An Adoptee Wants' Parents to Know. 39th Let's Talk Adoption Conference. March 5, 2022.
Wayfinder Family Services. Telling A Child Their Foster Care and Adoption Story. December 16, 2021.
Lilliput Wayfinder Family Services. Therapeutic Interventions for Parents. November 17, 2021.
A Home Within. Foster Care 101 and Therapeutic Interventions for Youth in Care. November 5th, 2021.
North American Council on Adoptable Children Conference. 10 Parenting Skills An Adoptee Wants' Parents to Know. July 23, 2021.
32nd Annual New York State Foster Care and Adoption Conference. Telling A Child Their Foster Care and Adoption Story. May 20, 2021.
Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Care Education Program. Telling A Child Their Foster Care and Adoption Story. May 20, 2021.
2nd Annual Child Therapy Symposium. Helping Children Understand How their Brain Works through the Handy Model of the Brain. February 11, 2021.
Five Acres. Trauma-Informed Toolkit: Pathways for Healing Children in Care Ages 6 - 14. December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021.
National Adoption Conference. Open Adoption Open Foster Care Training. November 14, 2020.
National Adoption Conference. Colombian Adoptees Speak Out. November 15, 2020.
PennyLane Center. Transracial Adoption Training. October 22, 2020.
Celia Center Community Support. Adult Adoptee Mental Health Support Training. May 2020.
Celia Center Community Support. Trauma-Informed Practice for Parents and Professionals with Bryan Post. May 2020.
Celia Center Community Support. COVID Stress Management March 2020.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented monthly January 2020 - June 2020.
Adoptee Affinity Group: Common Themes and Coping Skills. Park Century School. November 2019.
L.A. Writers’ Workshop Salon: Adoption & Foster Care. Center Theatre Group. November 2019.
Concerned United Birthparents Conference. Writer's Panel: My Birthmother's Letters. Presented in October 2019.
North American Council on Adoptable Children. 10 Parenting Skills An Adoptee Wants Parents to Know. July 2019.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented monthly January 2019 - June 2019.
Five Acres. Groundbreaking Interventions for Attachment Challenges. March 15, 2018.
Strength United. Adoption Competency Training. February 27, 2018.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented monthly September 2017 - June 2018.
Children’s Law Center Los Angeles. Trauma-Informed Professional Practice. Presented October 13, 2017.
Vista Del Mar Agency. Trauma-Informed Practice for Residential and School Staff. Presented June 28-30, 2017 and July 5-7, 2017.
Pennylane Agency. Trauma and Attachment Informed Practice. Presented June 21, 2017.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented monthly September 2016 - June 2017.
The Ninth Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference. Truly, Madly, Deeply, Understanding your Foster and/or Adopted Child Poster Presentation. June 10, 2016
California Adoption Conference, Oakland, California. Groundbreaking Interventions for Traumatized Children and their Families. Presented March 18, 2016.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented monthly September 2015 - June 2016.
Alma Family Services. Trauma-Informed Practice Part I and II. Presented September 24 and October 15, 2015.
El Nido Family Centers. Attachment-Focused Parenting. Presented September 17, 2015.
North American Council on Adoptable Children. Groundbreaking Interventions for Traumatized Children and their Families. Presented July 29, 2015.
Pact Adopt Summer Camp 2015. Groundbreaking Interventions with Foster and Adopted Children. July 5, 2015.
Olive Crest Agency. Adoption Competency Training for Professionals. May 28, 2015.
Celia Center and Vista Del Mar Adoption Agency. Truly, Madly, Deeply, Understanding your Foster and/or Adopted Child. May 22, 2015.
Facing Trauma with Truth Conference, Celia Center 2014. Open Adoption Panel. Presented November 7, 2014.
Concerned United Birthparents Conference 2014. Professional Panel. Presented in October 2014.
El Nido Family Centers. Attachment-Focused Parenting. Presented April 18, 2014.
Valley Trauma Center. The Mystery of the Foster and Adopted Adolescent. April 2014.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Trauma-Informed Practice. Presented to the Department of Children and Family Services County Social Workers, Los Angeles County. September 30, 2013, November 4 and 22, 2013, February 11, 2014, March 27, 2014, and April 15 and 21, 2014.
El Nido Family Centers. Attachment-Focused Parenting. Presented April 18, 2014.
65th Annual Convention of California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools. Parenting Your Adopted or Foster Child. April 14th, 2014.
American Adoption Congress Conference 2014. Groundbreaking Ways to Work with Traumatized Children and Families. Presented April 11, 2014.
Vista Del Mar Family and Child Services. Adopted For the Life of Me Panel and Film Screening. August 2013.
Valley Trauma Center. The Mystery of the Foster and Adopted Adolescent. June 2013.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Unfolding the Open Adoption Relationship. April 29, 2013.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Secondary Trauma. Presented to the Department of Children and Family Services County Social Workers and Public Health Nurses, Los Angeles County. March 14, 2013, March 27th, 2013, April 11th, 2013 & May 16th, 2013.
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control. Presented to the Department of Children and Family Services County Social Workers, Los Angeles County. March 22, 2012, March 29, 2012, December 13, 2012 & July 18, 2013.
Adopt Salon Conference 2012. Understanding Your Teen Adoptee. Presented November 9th, 2012.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Disclosing Adoption and Family History to Adoptees. October 2011 & April 2012.
Valley Trauma Center. Attachment-Focused Parenting and Attachment Interventions. September 29, 2011.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Attachment-Focused Parenting. October 2010 & April 2011.
Children’s Bureau of Southern California. Beyond Consequences Parenting. October 2009 & April 2010.
Vista Del Mar Family and Child Services. Adoption Triad Panel: Navigating the Lifelong Pathways of Adoption. September 2008.
Southern California Foster Care and Adoption Agency. Groundbreaking Interventions for Social Workers and Therapists Part I. March 2oth, 2006.
Southern California Foster Care and Adoption Agency. Groundbreaking Interventions for Social Workers and Therapists Part II. February 2, 2006.